Self Publishing

1. We offer global distribution of EPUB and PDF/A secured formats through Digital Media Reserve.

2. Where we have assisted a publisher with conversions:

  • Please note that we do not charge any royalties.
  • Maximize your Market Reach: We recommend you to develop direct publisher relations with popular distribution channels.
  • Take Control of your eBooks inventory: By doing this you remain independent and in total control of your distribution channels.
  • Free Support: We support you entirely free in the upload of your inventory and title data to these channels when required.

The popular distribution channels include:

You need to apply for a publisher relationship with the above channels and create an account with each one of them.

Before you start uploading the content files to respective channels, please keep the title metadata handy:-

Description, Subject Category [BISAC <>], Keywords, ISBNs, if any [mandatory for Apple iTunes; not required for B&N and KDP], Book Reviews, Author Biodata, and Price.