Marshall Klarfeld

Upon graduating from Caltech in 1951, Marshall began a 30 year career with Wallace J.S. Johnson's company, UP-RIGHT, INC. In 1963 Marshall's boss Wallace Johnson was elected Mayor of Berkeley California. Sharing Johnson's business and political philosophies, Klarfeld became his aide de camp. This partnership produced two national political campaigns, including the 1968 presidential campaign to end the war in Vietnam, and the New Hampshire presidential primary of 1976, to repeal the automatic Congressional pay raise. In spite of all this excitement throughout his life, the lingering questions about man's origins that Marshall pursued while an undergraduate at Caltech still haunted him. Marshall was fascinated by the advanced scientific knowledge found in the Bible's story of creation. Uncertain how to unravel his questions he asked his Nobel Laureate professors, Linus Pauling and Richard Feynman for help. Their amazing answers stayed with him for decades and led him to write, ADAM, The Missing Link. He and his wife Mary have written a screenplay based on the book. This film is the first of a trilogy.